Cutuca Nariz
EN: Nose Pick
Cult Cultura.
Illustrator and Art Director
Cutuca Nariz is an illustrated children’s book, and its story was inspired by an episode in which father and daughter are on the way to Belo Horizonte City by airplane. Just like most children in situations that require long hours of waiting, the little girl starts feeling extremely bored. To entertain his daughter and help her have fun with her imagination, he comes up with a character.
This simple, and yet creative character called "Nose Picker” consisted of an index finger, a napkin provided by the flight attendant, and a man’s ability to turn them into a story.
Cutuca Nariz was defined by the father as a superhero with an eternal mission of helping human beings with all sorts of important tasks. Carrying heavy shopping bags, throwing huge balls, and pointing out the easier paths to the metro or train were examples of this hero's missions. And, of course, helping so the flight they were in could safely land in time, and picking noses after that.
A hero that everybody carries around and should never be forgotten helped the child to explore new places inside her imagination and not bother with how long it would take until she could walk outside that airplane.
The project has also taken into account other parts of our bodies that are just as important, and true heroes in everyone's routine.